GCC Pillars
Unveiled a decade ago, Game Changers enshrines four pillars at its heart: Academics, Service, Leadership, and Mentorship. More than mere badges of honor for GCC members, these principles are transformative keys that unlock potential, enhancing every student’s educational journey, and ultimately empowering them to make profound, enduring contributions to our world.
Academics transcends mere grades; it embodies an unwavering commitment to lifelong learning. It entails seizing every educational opportunity available and pursuing knowledge both within and beyond conventional academic realms. Active engagement in academics demands ongoing dedication, fueled by a passion to contribute positively to the world through the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and experiences.
Service embodies the choice to go beyond personal interests to address the needs of others, fueled by a deep commitment to a cause, genuine empathy, or personal encounters. It entails performing selfless acts that transcend the ordinary, sparking significant transformations that reverberate within our schools, extend into our communities, and resonate globally. In the noble pursuit of service, we contribute to a brighter world through our actions, our compassion, and our collective humanity.
Leadership surpasses mere titles or positions; it embodies the essence of taking initiative, fostering innovation, and wielding influence. It entails inspiring peers through action, cultivating a collaborative environment, and advocating for positive change. Student leaders embrace the responsibility of shaping their academic community while fostering their personal growth and development. It's a dynamic blend of intellect, empathy, and resilience, guiding others forward while continually engaging in learning and self-improvement.
Mentorship is a symbiotic relationship where a more experienced individual guides and supports a less experienced one in their personal or professional development. It's a dynamic process characterized by mutual respect, trust, and open communication. Mentors offer valuable insights, wisdom, and advice based on their own experiences, helping mentees navigate challenges, set goals, and realize their potential. Beyond just imparting knowledge and skills, mentorship fosters growth, confidence, and a sense of belonging, fostering a supportive environment where both mentor and mentee can thrive and learn from each other.
While each chapter may embrace the vision of the pillars in their assessment of candidates, these descriptions do not serve as selection criteria. Each chapter determines the criteria and process for selection at the local level, adhering to the policies and procedures outlined in the GCC Constitution and GCC Handbook. For instance, academics serve as the primary criterion for candidacy. According to GCC policy, each chapter establishes a cumulative GPA requirement as part of their Scholarship criteria.