Create a student account
Student members of GCC are encouraged to establish their own student accounts. By doing so, they can have their membership status verified by their adviser and receive the latest updates about our programs and activities directly to their inbox. Learn more about the process below and create your GCC student account today.
What do I need to do?
Students / Parents First ask your school's principal who the chapter adviser is. Then they will help you get started. Fill in the following information and complete the remaining steps: - Select “Current Student”. - Your name. - Your email address - Your school state, and country, and sports Once you create an account, your adviser will need to log in and verify that you are a member of the chapter. Until then, you will not have access to some of the member functions such as the GCC Scholarship. Verification will be marked by a badge by the users name.
Advisers You must make sure that all members from your school make a membership account on the GCC website and get put in the right groups and recieve the correct badges and titles after being accepted into your chapter. If there is a problem with a students GCC account, contact an admin.