Start A Chapter
Complete a New Chapter Application
​Confirm eligibility below and then complete your application online.
Annual fee is $465.
Virtual schools: Download and submit this questionnaire with your application.
Private or nonpublic schools: You must provide proof of current accreditation with your application.
Make sure that your school meets the following criteria to become an affiliate chapter of Game Changers:
3 faculty members who are available to serve as the GCC faculty council including at least one chapter advisor
The majority of students must be enrolled full time.
Your school must be a diploma-granting institution.
All nonpublic/private institutions must provide proof of accreditation from an accrediting agency recognized Game Changers.
What to Expect
Once approved, the office will email you with your login information. You can then access:
Selection procedures.
Discipline and dismissal procedures.
Chapter service projects.
The Game Changers Chapters (GCC) program enhances a school's dedication to the principles of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Attaining and sustaining a GCC chapter represents a significant achievement for a school and its leadership, particularly the administration under the principal's guidance and the faculty council led by the advisor. Together, they oversee a national recognition program that acknowledges comprehensive student achievements.
The program office offers various resources to assist advisors in managing their chapter's GCC recognition program:
Adviser Resource Center with step-by-step guidelines, templates for bylaws and communications, handbooks, and comprehensive policy guidance.
A vast peer network to share ideas, ask questions, and connect with your fellow GCC advisers.
Access to the GCC Store
If you are interested in starting a chapter at your school, please review and share the following with the appropriate officials. Note that students and parents cannot apply to establish a chapter.